Take 4: The Unbreaable Boy
Austin is anything but Unbreakable. Remember Mr. Glass from the M. Night Shymalan movie. Well, that’s pretty much what the kid suffers from . He also has autism. You might think this would pretty much kill any joy and happiness in the kid’s life or that of his family, but what would be viewed as setbacks for most are what makes him the strongest one in the film.
I’d love to say this was a heartwarming, uplifting film, but I can’t. The truth of the matter is, I saw this movie as part of the Mystery Movie Series that Cinemark does every month. This one was NOT on my radar. Plus, it had been a long day and, drumroll please: I fell a sleep several times through the latter half of this one. As a result, I can’t in good faith offer a fair opinion on this one. It had it’s moments, sure, but from what I saw, I wouldn’t say it was my usual fair. I wouldn’t be apposed to seeing it again. Finding out it was based on a true story and the protagonist is still around and doing well definitely adds to the the appeal, but yeah, this time wasn’t it.
I can’t even give it a fair rating. If you like biographical family dramas that are meant to elicit some type of emotion, have at it. I think—- from what I recall.
I’ll try to be better next time. Til then, may your soul be unbreakable…